BuyFire Escape Hood & Fire Escape Mask: Nepal
As we know that in case of fire and flames. We face a lot of fumes and flames with black smoke. So,we need the Fire Escape Hood or Escape Mask. Fire Escape hood is a protective respiratory device which protect us from toxic gases, Fire Flames & Fumes, vapours and ashes or dust in the fire disaster zone. The device is eqqupped with air purifying filters which prevents the users from inhalation of poisonous gas and smoke. The Fire Escape Hood Protects the users head, eyes and from smoke & Flkames of Fire. Go, Fire Escape Mask/Hood is very important to escape from the fire disastter area. The device can be used for 30 minutes-40 minutes to 60 minutes. The device is certified with EN 403:2004.
Gas Tested:
The mask protects against hydrogen cyanide/prussic acidHCN).
Hydrogen Chloride, Carbon Mono-oxide, Propenal(acrolein) & particulated Produced by fire.
Penetration coefficient of oil mist>98%.
Safety Note:
Only for Self Rescue in the Event of Fire
Does not Protects against a lack of oxygen-not to be used in an environment with less then 17% oxygen.
Single Use Only.
The actual protection of this hood remains dependent on ambient air.
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